The International Conference on Agricultural, Biodiversity and Environmental Economics (ICABEE 2025) is being organized and will be held on March 21-22, 2025 in Sozopol, Bulgaria.
ICABEE 2025 is organized by the Association for Cultural and Socio-Economic European Collaboration.
ICABEE 2025 is a peer-reviewed international conference focusing on research advances and applications in agroecology, bioeconomy and environmental management.
The papers of ICABEE 2025 will be published in BIO Web of Conferences journal that indexed in Scopus.
Deadline to submit papers for publication in BIO Web of Conferences journal (eISSN: 2273-1709): 15 January 2025.
ICABEE 2025 organizing committee opted for a HYBRID CONFERENCE combining a live in-person event with a virtual component.
The ICABEE 2025 organizing committee will send an invitation with a link to the meeting and the conference program. The conference will provide a platform for researchers, scientists, practitioners and policymakers to exchange knowledge, research results and experience in agricultural, biodiversity conservation and environmental economics.
ICABEE 2025 will examine the problematic areas in the agricultural and environmental sectors. Participants can engage in discussions about potential solutions, strategies and innovations to address issues related to natural resource management, the impact of agricultural practices on ecosystems and economic factors affecting environmental conservation. ICABEE 2025 will contribute to developing evidence-based policies applicable to agriculture, biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability.
The topic areas of the conference are related to implementing the UN sustainable development goals in the context of the valuation of ecosystem services in sustainable agriculture, biodiversity conservation, food security and nutrition.
ICABEE 2025 will focus on the themes of Agricultural, Biodiversity and Environmental Economics and in this context, the aim of conference is to provide a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, faculty members and authorities to present their research results and development activities in the following areas:
The working language is English.
We invite you to participate in the conference and look forward to our fruitful cooperation.
The International Conference on Agricultural, Biodiversity and Environmental Economics (ICABEE 2025) has issued the Final Call for Papers and has opened registration for the conference scheduled for March 01, 2025.
ICABEE 2025 is a peer-reviewed international conference focusing on research advances and applications in agricultural, biodiversity conservation and environmental economics.
Authors/co-authors may submit no more than two papers.
The authors of a single paper can be up to 4 persons. The corresponding author is chosen within the group to be responsible for all contact and correspondence with the organizers.
Papers will be checked with a plagiarism tool and any ethical misconduct will be addressed very seriously. The acceptable minimum of originality is 90%.
Authors who utilize Large Language Models (LLMs) or AI-powered large language models (AIPLLMs) to support idea generation or facilitate the drafting of their paper should openly acknowledge this practice. Within the submitted paper, they are expected to provide complete transparency regarding the specific LLM/AIPLLM employed, including its name, version, model, and source.
The topic areas of the conference are related to implementing the UN sustainable development goals with the valuation of ecosystem services in sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation.
ICABEE 2025 focuses on the themes of Agricultural, Biodiversity and Environmental Economics and in this context, the aim of conference is to provide a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, faculty members and authorities to present their research results and development activities on the following conference topics:
1. Agroecology and Sustainable Farming Practices:
Sustainable Use of Agriculture and Organic Farming
Polyculture Farming and Digital Farming Systems
Agro-ecological Plant Protection and Water Conservation
Clean Technologies for Sustainable Environment and Circular Economy
Environmentally Sustainable Infrastructure and Renewable Energy
Potential for Development of Natural Resources
2. Biodiversity and Conservation of Natural Resources:
Soil and Land Health
Greening of Technologies and Activities in the Agricultural Sector
Agroforestry and Bioeconomy
Eco-entrepreneurship, Aquaponics and Innovative Technologies
Bioenergetics and Agrobiotechnologies
Biodiversity, Land Use and Forestry
Efficient Use of Resources and Waste
3. Environmental Economics:
Green business and Corporate Governance
Responsible and Sustainable Consumption and Production
Environmental Education and its Implementation in Practice
Environmental Policies, Legislation and Public Welfare
Circular Economy and Environmental Policy Analysis
Innovation and Competitiveness of Sustainable Agriculture
Trade in Environmental Goods and Green Economy
4. Food security and nutrition:
Agriculture and Food Security
Food Quality and Safety
Food Security and Food Chains
Bio- and Nano-Technologies in the Service of Health and Applications
Agricultural and Commodity Markets of Organic and Eco-Products
Environmentally Safe Technological Processes
Authors are required to comply with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. For details about the submission process, please refer to the author’s guidelines and the general conditions of publication, article formatting and citation requirements.
All participants must register for the conference by March 01, 2025 by sending an email to
Authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (10 pages) including surveys, tutorials, perspective/colloquia papers on conference topics, by filling out the Registration Form.
All accepted papers from ICABEE 2025 will be published BIO Web of Conferences journal that indexed in Scopus.
Accepted papers written in English will be published after the conference.Therefore, before submitting your work, please FOLLOW STRICTLY the Editorial Guidelines.
Authors should send their paper online before January 15, 2025:
Papers will be checked using Strikeplagiarism software tool and any ethical misconduct will be addressed very seriously. Each paper will be peer-reviewed after it has been checked for plagiarism.
Authors are encouraged to refer to the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) for all aspects of publication ethics ( and to strictly conform to the ethical rules described in publishing policies ethics.
Papers which are prepared for publishing should be original research manuscripts, never published before and not under consideration for publication in any other conference proceedings (journal etc.).
All papers are expected to deliver novel research results of international interest. Papers need to be related to the main topic of the conference and the conference topic fields.
Articles are published in English only. The paper should be written in a language conprehensible to a specialist in the relevant field. Compliance with English translation requirements is done by native speakers and professional translators.
All papers are reviewed by a native speaker. All papers are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. The acceptable minimum of originality is 90%. All papers should be more than than 10 pages (recommended). At least one author of each article should attend the conference. All references mentioned in the Reference List must be cited in the text, and vice versa. References can only be linked via Crossref if they are correct and complete.
The manuscript must be in DOC (or DOCX) file. The manuscript should follow the IMRAD format:
State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.
Material and methods
Provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced by an independent researcher. Methods that are already published should be summarized, and indicated by a reference. If quoting directly from a previously published method, use quotation marks and also cite the source. Any modifications to existing methods should also be described.
A Theory section should extend, not repeat, the background to the article already dealt with in the Introduction and lay the foundation for further work. In contrast, a Calculation section represents a practical development resting on a theoretical basis.
Results should be clear and concise.
This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.
References to the sources used should be in the order of mentioning in the text in the format [1], [2-6], [3, 5, 7]. You should not give links to unpublished articles.
Articles must not contain page numbers, headers or footers
This is extremely important. Page numbers, copyright details, etc. will be added by the publisher during the production and publication process. If you put page numbers on your paper, we will have to contact you for a replacement PDF, which could delay publication of the entire proceedings.
Article margins must be adequate
We recommend a minimum of 25mm all round. The Microsoft Word template automatically provide the correct margins so their use is highly recommended.
All articles must have an abstract
When readers are searching for information online, an abstract of the article is likely to be the first thing they see. Your abstract needs to be concise but convey as much information as possible about the content. The abstract will help bring your work to the attention of the scientific community.
All papers must have the e-mail address of one accessible author.
Please follow these essential guidelines when preparing your paper:
Authors must prepare their papers using our Microsoft Word template for submission:
For papers published in our golden open access proceedings titles it is no longer required to have authors sign and submit copyright forms. Our other journals are unaffected by this change. Authors who wish to publish a paper in the following titles:
are asked to submit a paper only if all authors of the paper agree in full to the terms of the licence. All papers submitted to us for publication in the above titles will be published according to the following terms and conditions.
By submitting a paper to the conference organizer, you, as copyright owner and author/representative of all the authors, grant a worldwide perpetual royalty free exclusive licence to use the copyright in the paper for the full term of copyright in all ways otherwise restricted by copyright, including, but not limited to, the right to reproduce, distribute and communicate the article to the public under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (or any newer version of the license) and to make any other use which publisher may choose world-wide, by all means, media and formats, whether known or unknown at the date of submission, to the conference organizer.
This licence does not transfer the copyright in the paper as submitted which, therefore, remains with the authors or their employer, as appropriate. Authors may not offer the paper to another publisher, unless the article is withdrawn by the author(s) or rejected by publisher.
Once published, the paper may be reused in accordance with the terms of the applicable Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence, including appropriate citation information (for electronic use best efforts must be made to include a link to the online abstract of the paper), a link to the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence, indicating any changes that have been made in the paper.
By granting this licence, the author warrants that the paper they are submitting is their original work, has not been published previously (other than in a research thesis or dissertation which fact has been notified to the conference organizer in writing), all named authors participated sufficiently in the conception and writing of the paper, have received a final version of the paper, agree to its submission and take responsibility for it, have read and understood Publishing’s ethical policy and agree that the submission complies with its terms, and the submission has been approved as necessary by the authorities at the establishment where the research was carried out.
By granting this licence, the author also warrants that they act on behalf of, and with the knowledge of, all authors of the paper, that the paper does not infringe any third party rights, contains nothing libellous, all factual statements are, to the best of the authors’ knowledge and belief, true or based on valid research conducted according to accepted norms and our ethical policy (COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics), and all required permissions have been obtained.
Viktor Koval Doctor, Professor, Izmail State University of Humanities, Ukraine.
Kanat TIREUOV DSc, Professor, Chairman of the Board-Rector Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical Research University (KATRU), Academician of the NAS of RK.
Marin MARINOV Assoc. Prof., PhD, Rector, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria.
Serhii HLIBKO PhD, Professor, Director at Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovation Development of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Ryszard PUKALA PhD, Professor, Vice-Rector Bronislaw Markiewicz State University of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw (PWSTE), Jaroslaw, Poland.
Mykola SIDAK D.Sc. Professor, Vice-rector for Science and Research, Director Institute of Public Administration, Bratislava University of Economics and Management, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Sergey RADUKANOV PhD, Assoc. Professor, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
Bauyrzhan ARINOV, PhD, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University (KATRU), Astana, Kazakhstan.
Giga ABUSERIDZE PhD, Assoc. Professor, Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Ludmila ALEKSEJEVA PhD, Professor Daugavpils University, Daugavpils, Latvia.
Badri GECHBAIA Doctor, Professor, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia.
Ketevan GOLETIANI Professor, Dean of the Faculty Business and Logistics of Batumi Navigation Teaching University, Batumi, Georgia.
Oleksandr DOROKHOV Doctor of Science, Professor, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
Zhibek KHUSSAINOVA PhD, Professor, Head of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University, Kazakhstan.
Dinçay KÖKSAL Professor, Vice Rector of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey.
Aiman KUSSAINOVA PhD, Head of the Department of Postgraduate Education, Higher School of Business and Law, Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau University, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan.
Zurab NASARAIA PhD, Department of Public Administration and E-Business, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Evaldas RAISTENSKIS PhD, Tax Disputes Commission under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania; Vilnius University, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania.
Madina SABYROVA, PhD, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University (KATRU), Astana, Kazakhstan
Bozena SOWA Ph.D. DSc, Vice-Rector General Affairs, WSPiA University of Rzeszów, Rzeszow, Poland.
Olena SUSHCHENKO Doctor of science, Professor, Head of the Department, Institute of Culture and Creative Industries, Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business Department, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Vladas TUMALAVIČIUS Prof. PhD, General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania
Zhanibek ZHARTAY PhD, Assoc. Professor, Director of the Research Center for Sustainable Development and Creative Industries “QuantumHub”, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
Bratislava University of Economics and Management, Bratislava, Slovakia
Astana IT University, Astana, Kazakhstan
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University (KATRU), Kazakhstan
Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine
Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
When an author submits a researcher paper to ICABEE 2025, this manuscript must be an original work.
The authors of a research paper should ensure that the article is an original work of the listed authors, it has not been previously published, nor has it been sent to any other publication or conference.
If you are collaborating with other authors to publish an article, everyone should agree which author will act as a corresponding author. A corresponding author is the intermediary between authors and the publication where the article is sent. In addition to all the authorship criteria described, the corresponding author shall also:
Include, as co-authors, all appropriate people and none inappropriate.
Obtain, from all co-authors, their consent to be appointed as a corresponding author, as well as their approval for the final version of the article, as is was accepted for publication.
Keep all approved co-authors informed about current status of an article submitted for publication. This includes providing all co-authors with copies of the reviewers’ comments, and a copy of the published version, if necessary.
Co-authors remain responsible for the submitted paper since is reviewed and published under their names.
You should always cite any source used in your work. As references are required in several cases, the following guidelines could be useful.
All papers are reviewed by a native speaker. All papers are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. The acceptable minimum of originality is 90%.
While some self-citation may be tolerated, authors should avoid overly citing their previous work to inflate their citation count. Authors should also avoid a self-citation that could violate the double-blind review process.
Authors should avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest throughout the research process. A conflict of interest is any event known to a participant in the publication process such that, if it is revealed later, it would make a reader feel reasonably deceived, (or an author, reviewer or editor feels defensive). If there are doubts about whether a circumstance represents a conflict, the authors should contact the Scientific Committee, so that it can assess its importance.
ICABEE 2025 follows a double-blind review process, by which the authors do not know the reviewers and vice versa. Authors should respect the confidentiality of the review process and should not be disclosed to reviewers, and vice versa. For example, the manuscript should not include any information through which any author’s identity can be inferred to a reviewer. Authors should not publish the work they have submitted to websites where they can be easily discovered by potential reviewers, including working documents, or previous drafts.
Paper submission: January 15, 2025.
Notification of paper acceptance: February 15, 2025.
Final paper submission: February 28, 2025.
Registration: March 01, 2025.
Sozopol, 34 Apolonia str., Republic of Bulgaria
Conference Day: March 21-22, 2025
09.30 – 10.00 Opening / Registration
10.00 – 10.15 Welcome speech from the ICABEE 2025 Chairmans
Mariana PETROVA – PhD, Professor, Association for Cultural and Socio- Economic European Collaboration
Nikolay PENEV – PhD, Assoc. Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Trakia University, Bulgaria
10.15 – 11.45 Opening addresses by the Keynote Speakers
Mykola SIDAK – Ph.D. Professor, Director Institute of Public Administration, Bratislava University of Economics and Management, Bratislava, Slovakia
Zhibek KHUSSAINOVA – Head of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University, Kazakhstan
Giga ABUSERIDZE – PhD, Assoc. Professor, Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Olena SUSHCHENKO –Doctor of Economics Science, Professor, Head of the Department, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine
Zhanibek ZHARTAY – PhD, Assoc. Professor, Director of the Research Center for Sustainable Development and Creative Industries “QuantumHub”, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Evaldas RAISTENSKIS – PhD, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Litva
12.30 – 15.30 Parallel Sessions
16.00 – 16.30 Closing Remarks
16.30 – 17.00 Closure of the Conference
Registration fee
The registration fee is 400 euros paid after receiving notification of your paper’s acceptance.
It includes conference promotion materials, proofreading, revising, & editing, refreshments/coffee breaks, admissions and organizing costs. Bank account details and payment instructions will be sent to participants after the paper’s approval.
At least one of the authors must register and pay the registration fee by March 20, 2025 to participate in the conference. After this date, refunds are impossible. No refund is allowed after this date. If you feel uncertain, please contact the organizing committee for clarification at
8130 Sozopol, 34 Apolonia str., Republic of Bulgaria
+359 (0) 42 699 422